951.591.4900 service@accpool.com

Are you and your kids having fun yet? If you’re wondering how to entertain your kids in the pool as the coronavirus quarantine continues on and when they may not have gone back to school for the year, we have tips. Rather than have your children indoors and watching television or playing video games, get them out and get them engaged in an activity like swimming!

If your children are bored with just swimming laps or playing with pool noodles — and we can’t blame them — we have some fun games that you might be able to play with household items! A bonus is that not only will your children have fun, but they will also sleep better and just might stay in better shape!

The Clear Choice Pool Care service contractors from Menifee, CA know there is no better exercise than in the pool. Pool exercise is fun and it doesn’t even seem like exercise at all! Your kids won’t even know they are getting healthier they just know they’re having fun and building memories with their siblings and other family members.

How to entertain your kids in the pool

  1. In-pool and a yard-wide scavenger hunt. Diving to the bottom of the pool to grab scavenger items encourages going underwater. Buy sinkable pool toys or other items that will go to the bottom but won’t be a floating hazard that could get into your skimmer basket.
  2. Inflatable toys and fun. Float around. Race from end to end. Use your inflatable shark, crocodile, turtle, etc. to have in-pool wrestling matches.
  3. Set up an obstacle course. Toss items in the pool that have to be retrieved after the participant has swum over or under a pool noodle, made a basket in pool basketball or hit the volleyball or even an inflatable beachball over the net.
  4. Set up a rubber duck race. Each person in the pool choose a duck — different colors are best — then races the duck to the end of the pool – no hands allowed to move the duck! Try this with ping-pong balls to make it even harder!
  5. Hide items around the yard and set up a “treasure map” treasure hunt with clues. The person or team who finds the most items is the winner!

If you have a round pool, you can get everyone to run around and around to form a whirlpool. This is fun because once the water is swirling, you can swim into it or hop on a raft and be pulled along the tide! If you want to enjoy the pool and not have to clean it — give us a call. We follow all social distancing guidelines and will clean your pool so you can enjoy it!