951.591.4900 service@accpool.com

When do you know it’s time to hire a swimming pool service and maintenance professional for your residential or your commercial swimming pool. The answer isn’t always the same for everyone, but when you do turn the care and maintenance of the swimming pool over to a pro from the best pool service in Menifee, California, you can rest assured the water will be swimmable and the pool in top-notch working condition. We have put together a list of questions to ask a California pool contractor and to consider if you’re hiring one.

Whether you own a residential swimming pool or manage a commercial pool you know that people just love to be in the water. The swimming pool is a draw at your home and could be a draw to your hotel or apartment building.

There are many residential pool owners who find they spend more money cleaning and maintaining the swimming pool on their own than they would if they had hired a pool contractor. The reason is, if you don’t know what you’re doing you may need to add this chemical, then counterbalance it with that chemical then add a third to get that back in line — it can take a long time. Also, you will need to buy all the chemicals and find a safe place to store them.

In addition to cleaning the pool, a service contractor will:

  1. Balance the chemicals
  2. Clean filters
  3. Inspect pumps
  4. Check pump pressure
  5. Vacuum
  6. Brush it
  7. Check the security of diving boards and slides
  8. Let you know if he or she notices a potential issue with a piece of equipment you can decide whether to repair or replace

Questions to ask a California pool contractor

If you’re a pool owner you also need to know that if you let even a day or two go by without cleaning it and testing the chemicals you could be faced with brackish, cloudy or algae-filled water. Maintaining a swimming pool can be a lot of work and if it’s not something you do regularly you may forget it one day and think you will get to it the next day but then life gets in the way. When you hire a pool pro, their only job is to care for your pool.

Why hire a swimming pool service professional if you operate a commercial pool

Operators or managers of commercial swimming pools opt to hire a pool service because they have other chores and responsibilities other than cleaning the pool. Giving the task of “clean the pool” to a maintenance professional if he or she doesn’t know-how is just asking for trouble. The last thing you want is for a guest or resident to become ill or get an infection after swimming in your pool.

When you work with a swimming pool service professional, they will ask questions, become familiar with your pool, its unique needs and the particulars of how often it’s used, by how many people, etc. and will work to keep it always open.

Don’t spend this summer cleaning and maintaining your pool, give us a call and leave the work to us.